Progress this week on the LAD project has been more theoretical than visual. We’ve done a lot of planning, a lot of research, and a lot of learning how to work the Weebly site. On Monday we brainstormed ideas for I+1 Zone and the Assessment. Continued work on introduction and the Show What You Know as well as the teaching materials. Wednesday consisted of loading Anna Lee’s power point on speech disorders and thinking about ideas for the Show What You Know section. We came up with an idea to make a lip-reading exercise to that parents can grasp what their deaf children go through in a silent world. I managed to get the sound taken out of our chosen video, but ran into some issues over break when I tried to load it onto the site. That is a work in progress still. As of now, we have polls up and a comments section… all in all, the project is coming together quite nicely. We are, honestly, nearly finished.