Within the past week or so, my group has made a fair amount of progress on our website. We got the intro video posted, and the lip-reading video posted. Then we ran into a playback issue with the lip-reading video, and got that resolved expediently. Our biggest challenge thus far was incorporating an app or technology into the website. Finally, we got that figured out. This is done in game-format. And the game is actually pretty fun. I played it twice to see how much I had learned from working on this project.

We’ve been working on the finishing touches: making the site parent-friendly and not at all overwhelming. That is, after all, the main goal. 

We presented our general ideas to the class and got almost all positive feedback, which is both good and bad. Good in the sense that it went over well and nobody saw any glaring issues. Bad because now we only know to fix what we see, we didn’t really get any advice or ideas from other groups. This can be looked at either way. (Is the glass half-full or half-empty…?)

Almost every time I look at the site, I think of new ideas and new ways to take it further. At this point in time, it’s a matter of how much is too much?


All-in-all, I think it’s going well. No complains. I’m still very excited about this project. As I’ve said before, and as I said during our presentation: parents need a site that has all the basic information consolidated in one place but is gentle and kind and not overwhelming. My hope for this site is that it will fulfill this need. If it does, then it will be a good resource for me to send the parents of my future patients to. I really hope that this is helpful to all those parents…